First Days in the Mission

First Days in the Mission
Elder Colby Kipp with President and Sister Campbell

Thursday, October 25, 2012

¡Háce Frio!

Hey everybody,
It has been getting a little colder here in the great nation of Canada. Today when we went outside it was -7 celsius. So not horrible, but it is getting progressively worse. The people "Los Amigos" that we are teaching up on the farm said that the work is getting a lot harder because it is super cold. Unfortunatly they are going to be leaving at the end of November, but they are getting more and more excited to learn. Every Sunday when we are driving up there we get really excited to talk about the gospel with them. They ALL read Alma 40-42 becasue we were going to talk about the Plan of Salvation with them. It was a lot better and they asked a lot more questions because they had read. I have noticed that a lot lately. When we learn and teach from the Book of Mormon the Spirit is that much stronger and people seem to be a lot more interested. We are just preparing them all to go back to Mexico and start going to church with their families down there. It was Jose Luiz's birthday last night and they shared his cake with us. We sang happy birthday in spanish and also "las mananitas" Super memorable expereince with some true friends.
We got our other companion on Wenesday. His name is Elder Schubert and he is from Trenton, Ontario. I am finally companions with a native!! haha native canadian that is. He is really awesome and we are all getting along very well in our tripanionship. It is a little overwhelming to be training two people at the same time, but it is easy because they are both humble and are extremely ready to work. We has a really cool experience tracting the other day. It was the first time for Elder Schubert. We saw a really inticing red door and we said that should be our first door. He told us later that he was praying really hard so that his first experince would be good and that someone would be interested. A nice old lady opens that door and the first thing that come out of her mouth is "Hey do you guys have a Book of Mormon?" I was standing back a little bit to let them talk to her, and it was awesome to see the faces of these two young missionaries in awe as they handed this women a book that can change lives. We are excited to go back and it was a testimony to me that faith and prayer, when worked together can bring revelation more than anything.
We are excited too because the Calgary Temple Dedication is next Sunday. Info to follow!!
Mucho Amor,
Elder Kipp

Monday, October 15, 2012

Hey Guys!

Hola mis amados amigos,
How great was general conference?! I am still thinking about it. I have been studying from some of the talks and I can't wait to get the new Ensign for November with all the talks in it. It is such a testimony to me everytime I watch general conference that we have living prophets and apostles on the earth that represent the Savior. I am so happy that I have had the priviledge of growing up on the earth when the priesthood and gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored perfectly through a modern day prophet. I am so happy that I can carry this message to people and that we can help people find the truth they deserve to remember.
So we got an interesting call this morning. I have known that we were receiving a new Spanish missionary for a while now. This is big news in the Canada Edmonton mission seeing that there are only four. But it was a big surprise when I found out that I am getting another boy! We are going to be tripanionship and I'll be continuing to train Elder Doxey and also train the new guy. It is going to be crazy! Everyone keeps joking around that I am having twins. ha ha. I dropped as district leader. President Campbell thought that that might be a little too much responsibility. Estoy de acuerdo!  (agreed) But I am excited to see what happens and really looking forward to seeing Elder Doxey step up a lot and help me out.
We were able to get the part memebr/less active family we have been working with since I got here to church on Sunday. The ward just soaked them up. It was a great experience for them and the bishop gave a great testimony, I think directed to them. But we taught the Plan of Salvation to Jesus and los amigos on the farm. They all loved it. I love teaching the plan of salvation because it always hits the heartstrings. They all responded to it well and are excited to talk about it more this week. We are continuing to find new people to teach, but the difficult thing right now is getting them to commit and to come to church. But we are working hard and I know that the Lord's hand is truly is in this work. The Food Drive was on Saturday and Alex was a champ. We went out with her to pick everything up and she was talking to people as she picked up the food. We are super happy that she is doing great as she serves others and learns what it means to be a disciple of Christ. I think that church pulled in a bunch of food and money for the people of Edmonton. Its an awesome cause.
But got to go, I love you all. Keep on keepin on! in the gospel that is. Remember that you can always repent, change your ways, and come back into the light.
Mucho amor,
Elder Kipp

Thursday, October 11, 2012

First Snow of the Season

¡Hola muchachos!
¿Cómo estamos? Well, it is getting a lot colder here in the great north. The first snowfall came today. Elder Doxey and I were really feeling up to the occasion so we got up early and went for a run in it! It was super fun and really cool to say that we went running in the Alberta snow. But I am actually looking forward to the winter even though everyone is saying that it is going to be terrible. Last years winter was not even classified as winter. It seemed like winter to me!
We had a really cool week. General Conference was definitely a highlight. Man! I can't believe that the age changed for all the missionaries. I would already be home by now, isn't that crazy to think. I personally think that it is a great thing because we lose so many potential missionaries in that year of "limbo" between high school and mission. Hopefully that gives more time for missionaries to go out and serve. And its even more crazy that the sisters can go at nineteen. We are going to receive so many more sisters, and its a good thing too. Cause lets face it, they are better teachers than the guys. he he  But all the talks were very good. Especially Elder Holland's. I love how he reads between the lines in the sciptures. I hope that I will be that good someday. Also, President Eyring's talk was incredible. We are going to be showing that to many of the less active members up here because many of them form "pavilions" between them and Heavenly Father.
Alex and Chris are already doing missionary work. We met their downstairs neighbor that happens to be from Guatemala. They were really anxious for us to meet him and start talking to him about the Book of Mormon, which changed both of their lives drastically. But we shared the BOM with him and he is really looking forward to reading it because he suffers from insomnia and he can't find any books to read in Spanish. We are looking forward to talking with him this week.  Los Amigos up in the farm are doing very well. We are going to be talking to them about the Plan of Salvation and I think they are going to respond very well to that. Jesus is also doing great. He has not been able to come to church yet but he is reading the Book of Mormon and liking it. We had a lesson witht the older lady from Peru this past week as well. But we found out something very important. She has been baptized. We extended a baptismal committment and she told us that she was baptized in a river in 1970. Good for us to know! But she is so sweet and she treats us like her kids. We are excited to help her regain her testimony so that when she gets back to Peru, she can hit the ground running. I got a letter from German and he is doing awesome. The missionaries are seeing them every monday and helping them progress towards baptism. I love that guy!
But everything is going good up here in Canada. I send my love and un abrazo para todos!
Mucho Amor
Elder Kipp

Monday, October 1, 2012

What are you guys doing this weekend?

Hello amigos!
We had a super great week. It was full of meeting new people and people making changes in their lives for the better. And above all it is such a great time to be in Alberta. Right before it gets cold and snowy, the weather is pretty much perfect. The sky is amazing and the sunsets are the best. They are right there is nothing like Alberta skies! But we had a wonderful thing happen this week. Alexandra got baptized!
It was an amazing service. The Spirit was definitely there and it just went smoothly. Many of the members of the ward were able to come and support Alex and Chris in their many great decisions. I actually got to translate one of the talks. It was a very humbling experience for me because it is a lot harder than I thought, especially on the spot. But the speakers were wonderful. Chris recieved the priesthood on Thursday night and so he got to baptize his wife. They had to repeat the baptsim twice, but the third time she was completely submerged and she came up and she looked amazing. She was just beaming and you could tell that she felt like a new person. I was so happy to see this happen and have been able to see their progress as a couple. I was able to confirm her and give her the gift of the Holy Ghost. The blessing was very stong and it really focused on her and Chris getting to the temple. I am so excited to keep working with them and it was such a blessing and testimony strengthener to have seen this process and the changes that happened in their life. I know that the Atonement can heal and change any situation.
We are getting blessed in so many ways. We received 7 new investigators this week! The first one we got was from a member. His name is Jesus and he lives across the hall from the member who happens to speak spanish. he he But je is from Mexico working up here for his family and he already has been reading the Book of Mormon and some of the pamphlets. He is solid and we are excited to keep teaching him. The next one is the brother-in-law of some less-active members and he is excited to finally learn about what they believe. I feel like this will be a great oppurtunity to get the less actives back to church. I have known them my whole mission and they make the best pupusas ever! And then our last five live about 20 minutes outside of the city on a small farm. They are all family and they are up here working for the summer. The owner of the farm is actually a member so he called us up and told us that they were interested in learning more. We had a great lesson with them last night and taught them about the Restoration. The Spirit was incredibly strong and you could tell that they were interested. We gave them all a Book of Mormon and they all committed to read. We are going over there this weekend and watching General Conference with them. And the coolest thing ever was that as we were driving back on the gravel road we saw the Northern Lights!! It was so cool. Elder Doxey was freaking out. He is so funny. But it was just a cool moment for us last night. We were so grateful for the time we have to be spreading the gospel. Who would have thought that we would be teaching a bunch of Mexicanos on a farm in Northern Alberta! Crazy!
But I encourage everyone to watch General Conference this weekend. It will be a great oppurtunity to listen to our modern day prophet and apostles. It will be amazing.
Pues cuidense mucho y portanse bien!
Mucho Amor

Elder Kipp's New Companion - Elder Doxey

Elder Kipp