First Days in the Mission

First Days in the Mission
Elder Colby Kipp with President and Sister Campbell

Monday, July 15, 2013

¡Hola Familia!

Hey peeps,
So I know that time is short but I feel like I am at that time of the marathon where you can see the finish line and so it gives you a little boost of energy. You are tired but know that the excitement and contentment of success is just a few steps away. I am still motivated and still trying to work hard everyday.
We are going on a lot of exchanges this transfer. I really like that because it gives me a chance, with the newer missionaries to leave my last two cents and motivate them to keep going strong. I have loved being able to work with our young zone and helping them discover how to be obedient and how to work effectively in their individual areas. We had my last Zone Training Meeting and the theme was Christmas in July. So Epic! Everyone wore an ugly sweater and we decorated the relief society room with lights and streamers. We had a great meeting full of the Spirit. We talked a lot about commitments and extending them more often and in a better way. I got the chance to bear my last testimony in front of the zone and I got an overwhelming feeling of, "You've done good!" It hit me pretty hard. I have loved being down here in Red Deer serving these amazing missionaries.
The ward is really reminding me that I am going home. I have gotton really close with a lot of these families and they are really treating me well. I love working with the youth up here as well, helping them get out on missions. The youth just seem to be getting more solid as time goes by. The work is hastening and the attitudes of the young people just keep getting better. They know what needs to be done and they are happy to do it. Bishop Anderson and his wife are going to have a "Goodbye Elder Kipp" activity the night before I go up to Edmonton and it is going to be really great having a lot of the ward there.
We got to see Colin again this week. He has not been to church for a while and he really opened up to us why, for the first time ever. He knows everything is true but he just has one thing to get over. He does not know who he can trust to open up to. We urged him to fast about his situation and talk to the bishop. I love him and hope that he can make the further steps to get back to church. Member work has really picked up and we are looking forward to a lot of potential. Remember the girl from Estonia that was going door to door? Turns out that 3 members have met her and all invited her to come over for dinner! This girl is really being led by the Lord. Also there is a foreign exchange student that is living with a member and he really wants to learn about the Mormons. We left him a Book of Mormon in Japanese and he is really excited to read it. The missionary I was with picked it up before we gave it away and was like, "Dummies, they printed the title on the wrong side.." Japanese is backward he he. But the work is picking up.
I love it and I will be sad to leave it. I am excited to see what the Lord has waiting for me. I am happy to serve wherever he will send me.
Mucho Amor,
Elder Kipp
P.S.- I was able to see Elder Schubert, Martha, and Mauricio when we went up to Edmonton. Great to hear the both Mauricio and Martha made it to the temple for baptisms for the dead. Makes my joy full!!

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